The Art Forger, the story takes place in Boston, Massachusetts, with the exception of the letters from Isabella Stewart Gardner. Those were mailed to Paris, France and discussed Gardner's relationship with her great-niece Amelia. The letters gave us an idea on what kind of a person Isabella Gardner may have been.
Boston has a lengthy history, dating back to the the seventeenth century. It was founded by Puritan colonists around 1630 and flourished as a center for politics, business, and education in the New England colony. Although ethnic and religious diversity was almost non-existent in this time period, the town was amongst the more affluent ones in the colony.
Boston is credited with the ignition of the American Revolution (1775-1783) because of the major occurrences that led to the start. The Boston Tea Party (1773), the Tea Act of 1773, the Townshend Acts of 1767, and the feeling of oppression in the public all acted as fuel for the revolution.
After the war, descendants of the original colonial Boston families served as the higher class in society, until the arrival of other ethnic groups in the nineteenth century. With the other groups of people came more diversity, ideas, and business, and soon Boston, like any other major commercial area, became a hotspot.
Various universities were founded, the sport industry garnered attention, and above all, in relation to our book, a multitude of museums were founded. Amongst those, the Isabella Stewart Gardner museum and more. Today, Boston is filled with color because of its art.
Anyone who has visited a museum in Boston such as the Isabella Stewart Gardner please share with us your experiences and what grabbed your attention the most in the museum. Many thanks in advance!
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