Our Mission Statement

Our Mission Statement:
This blog is used for an Art and Literature class. We are currently reading The Art Forger by B.A. Shapiro. The book is about a struggling art copyist, Claire Roth, getting tangled up in a forgery case. She gets approached by an art gallery owner, Aiden Markel, to reproduce one of Degas' masterpieces, After the Bath. In exchange for the painting, Markel will give Claire her own show in the gallery. This painting was also one of the thirteen paintings stolen from the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum in 1990. When the painting gets delivered to Claire's apartment, she suspects that the "original" painting is a forgery. Throughout the book, she seeks for the truth to help save herself.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Paintings Mentioned in the Art Forger: Storm on the Sea of Galilee

        In B.A.Shapiro's The Art Forger many paintings are mentioned including those stolen in the Gardner heist of 1990. One of these paintings is Rembrandt's "Storm on the Sea of Galilee" which depicts Jesus and his twelve disciples on a ship in the midst of a storm. This bible story is told in Mark 4:35-41. As Jesus and his disciples sailed the Sea they entered into a great storm. The boat was tossed around as the waves began to crash against the boat and water came inside. However Jesus was asleep in all of the commotion sending his disciples into a frenzy. The other men awoke Jesus saying "Teacher, don't you care if we drown?" Jesus arose and calmed the storm saying to them "Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith? " In  Rembrandt's depiction of the bible story he captures the exact time as Jesus began to calm the storm. The left side of the panting shows a brighter side in comparison to the dark clouds that cover the right side which signifies the storm. Rembrandt's use of darker colors really set the mood for the paintings as if that is how a storm would look. His use of the white for the waves crashing against the boat and the light blue of the sky shows a great contrast to the the dark blue of the ocean and the dark grey sky.

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